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using EVG’s GEMINI®FB automated
hybrid bonding system. Such an
accomplishment had been a key challenge for D2W bonding until today,
as well as a major hurdle to scaling
down the cost of implementing
heterogeneous integration. This
important industry achievement was
carried out at EVG’s Heterogeneous
Integration Competence Center™
(HICC), which is designed to assist
customers in leveraging EVG’s
process solutions and expertise to
accelerate the development of new
and differentiating products and
applications driven by advances in
system integration and packaging.
Company executives will be
available to discuss this D2W
bonding breakthrough at SEMICON
West. Event attendees can visit EVG
virtual reality and 5G all
require the development
of high-bandwidth,
high-performance and
devices without
increasing production
cost. As a result, the
semiconductor industry
is turning to heterogeneous integration — the
manufacturing, assembly
GEMINI®FB integrated fusion bonding
and packaging of multiple
system. Source: EV Group
different components or dies
with different feature sizes
“Hybrid bonding requires suband materials onto a single device
stantially different manufacturing
or package — in order to increase
technologies to standard packaging
performance on new device genprocesses, bringing it much closer
erations. D2W hybrid bonding is a
to front-end manufacturing —
key manufacturing technology for
especially in terms of cleanliness,
heterogeneous integration. Yet, as
particle control, alignment and
metrology precision,” stated Dr.
Thomas Uhrmann, business development director at EV Group. “In
line with our market leadership
for W2W hybrid bonding, we continue to expand our D2W hybrid
bonding solutions and optimize
our equipment to support critical
upstream and downstream processes, such as plasma activation
and cleaning, in order to accelerate
the deployment and maturity of
D2W hybrid bonding. Between our
established GEMINI FB, which
has been configured for collective
D2W integration flows and serving
the needs for D2W bonding for
several years already, the EVG ®320
D2W die preparation and activation system for direct placement
Example of a successfully bonded 3D system-on-a-chip (SoC). Source:
D2W bonding, which provides a
EV Group.
direct interface with D2W bonders,
and the EVG ®40 NT2 overlay
in the South Hall, Booth #935 to
the ever-higher bandwidth needs of
learn more.
these devices drive newer packaging metrology system, which uses AI,
feed-forward and feedback loops
Leading-edge applications such
technologies, new developments in
as artificial intelligence (AI),
D2W hybrid bonding and metrology to further increase hybrid bonding
yields, EVG provides a complete
autonomous driving, augmented/
are also needed.
Tuesday, July 12 | 15